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Home News X-culture 2016 - Get ready for the global workplace

X-culture 2016 - Get ready for the global workplace

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Students enrolled in the Master’s degree program in International Politics and Economic Relations who aspire to an international career are invited to participate in the X-Culture Project under the International Marketing course held by professor Ernesto Tavoletti.

The X-Culture project is a collaborative effort of dozens of instructors around the world who strive to enhance learning in their International Management/Business courses by providing their students with an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in international collaboration and cross-cultural communication.

Participating students are assigned to international teams of 5-7 members that are tasked to prepare a business proposal for a real company. The best projects submitted by international student teams, as judged by a committee of international business professors from around the world through a blind-review process, will be invited for presentation at the 2016 annual AIB-SE conference in Tampa (Florida, USA) .

Three years ago the best students visited the Mercedes factory in Istanbul and it was a remarkable experience: Four years ago it was in Atlanta with Home Depot: Two years ago in Miami with Louis Vuitton Last year in Savannah, Georgia (USA), with JCB Machines Next year it will be in Tampa, Florida with Royal Carebbean and in one of their cruise boats.

Take notice that, unless you are going to attend the conference in Tampa as a winner or by choice, you will be working just on a virtual base with foreign students, through e-mails, Google Docs, Dropbox, Doodle, Facebook Groups, Skype and so on.

This is a great opportunity for you to be a member of an international team and get acquainted with the USA based Academy of International Business.

For more detailed information on the project, please visit the website:
and, most importantly, watch in any case this short and funny video:

The project is going to start around the first week of March 2016 and it will keep you busy till the end of April (for a total workload of 10-15 hours).

Professor Ernesto Tavoletti is available for more information via e-mail ( and after your acceptance more information will follow.

If you would like to apply, your first step is to contact professor Tavoletti and CC and to send the “Student Names Template” form  by January 16th 2016, 12.00 local time.